Downhill and Uphill Archery Form

Mar 12, 2020Archery Form

Perfecting your form for those steep uphill and downhill shots is critical to directing your arrow to the spot. Keep your T or “dancer’s pose” position, with your foot placement correct, hips stacked on top of your thighs, core strong, shoulders stacked right above your core, and finally your head erect and look at the target. You want to pretend you’re suspended by a wire while at full draw, ready to release that arrow, but how can you do that when the target is in steep terrain? The answer is really very simple, but we often see archers who stand erect, point their bow up or down to aim at the target, & shoot. What you really need to do is merely keep your perfect T position, and just bend at the waist…keeping everything else EXACTLY the same. Bend your spine sideways at the waist, keep your torso & arms in a T position, and look at the spot when you release your arrow. Bingo! That’s where your arrow will go! Enjoy taking a walk in the woods & happy shooting!